Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Keep On Rollin'

Today, Slate is running a Presidential Speech contest. The rules are simple:

1. Say where W. should give his address tomorrow night

2. Predict where he actually will give it

My answers:

1. He should speak from the banks of the Mississippi, with the river (and no identifiable buildings or infrastructure) behind him. The river would have a soothing effect, reinforce the notion that Mother Nature is able to heal wounds over time. Lights reflecting off the water would be a bonus.

2. He probably will speak from a site overlooking the river, but with some ridiculous prop or banner behind him ruining and cheapening a potentially powerful image. Some possible candidates:

- Hospital ship Comfort (barely used in relief effort because it arrived so late), if it's still around. Nothing like a big white ship with a red cross on its side.

- A banner reading "Time Will Heal All Wounds" or "Making a Concerted Effort." "Your Government in Action." You get the idea.

- The Harlem Boys Choir, softly humming "Amazing Grace" as he gives his speech.

- A giant video screen showing dirty rescuers in tears, acrobatic helicopter crews, and U.S. soldiers handing water to tiny babies.


- Any combination of above items. Boys choir singing on deck of U.S.S. Comfort, in front of video screen showing both photos AND a cloying motto. A flyover of stealth bombers would be pretty sweet, too.


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