Moving On

Dearest Readers,
Without growing overly rhapsodic, I should nonetheless make some mention of the events that have led to my recent inattention to this page. Most recently I was attending a family memorial service for a wonderful and well-loved great aunt. The service was very nice, and even under the mournful circumstances it was good to see the extended family and catch up with cousins, aunts, uncles, and the rest.
The job I have found is at a small residential architecture firm specializing in green design. The homes are energy efficient and built from recycled materials, and green in color only on occasion, and entirely by coincidence. As for the question of where I shall live, a firm answer has yet to be developed. My girlfriend, who recoils in horror at her not being included in my ramblings, tells me her roommates are none too warm to the notion of my moving in, for any period of time. In the fast-paced landscape churned out by the D.C. real estate engine, I may have to settle (temporarily, of course) on the futon in Halfzie's Adams Morgan English Basement apt.
I should also note here that my girlfriend is a wonderful and brilliant person. This statement requires no further qualification. Nonetheless, the matter of putting a some-time roof over my head is daunting. D.C. is no place to become experimental about one's living arrangements. I shudder to think what I will find for the lowly sum I am prepared to pay, but ultimately I am certain that after a few months I will have devised a nice set-up.
Final note: This evening, after the memorial reception and a light supper, I went to see The Pearl in concert for a second time. I can offer no link to the band's website at present, but I fully intend to do so in due time.
From the dark will come light. Dark is nothing without the hope of new light, to define it and round its sharp corners. From the questions, draughts of joy, and from any sorrow, a new day leads again.
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